
ThisguideaimstoteachyouhowtoproperlyusethePokéRadarandchainPokemonusinginformationfoundinthegamecoding.,TousethePokeRadarinBrilliantDiamondandShiningPearl,playersmustgotoapatchoftallgrass.IfsearchingforaShinythatcanonly ...,HowtoUsethePokeRadar·1CompletetheSinnohPokédex.·2Gointoagrassyfield.·3Walkovertotheshakinggrass.·4Rechargetheradarifneeded.·5 ...,WhenyoufirstactivatethePokeRadarwhilestand...

Chaining Pokemon with the Poké Radar

This guide aims to teach you how to properly use the Poké Radar and chain Pokemon using information found in the game coding.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

To use the Poke Radar in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players must go to a patch of tall grass. If searching for a Shiny that can only ...

7 Ways to Use the Poke Radar

How to Use the Poke Radar · 1 Complete the Sinnoh Pokédex. · 2 Go into a grassy field. · 3 Walk over to the shaking grass. · 4 Recharge the radar if needed. · 5 ...

The Poke Radar and You

When you first activate the Poke Radar while standing in any patch of grass or flowers, a few patches of grass will shake. If you walk to one of ...

Poke Radar Pokemon

How to Use the Poke Radar · Go into any patch of grass. · Open the Chain Counter Poketch app. · Use a Max Repel. · Use the Poke Radar. · Walk over to ...

Poké Radar Shiny Hunting Tutorial

HIYA! Here is a guide for shiny hunting using the Poké Radar in Generation four (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum). So its not like we really NEEDED ...

HOW THE POKERADAR WORKS : rPokemonInfiniteFusion

Once you hit 17 just use the pokeradar over and over till you see a shiny grass animation, it won't break your chain. Repeatedly go for the ...

How do I use the pokemon radar? - DS - GameFAQs

評分 83% (46) · You simply go to your bag, go to the key items, go to where the PokeRadar is and click on it and the click use. After that, if you are in the ...

How to Use PokeRadar in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl!

Pokeradar has some new kicks for the reamkes of generation 4. We go into the details on some basic rules and tips on how to use pokeradar.

A Guide to the Poke Radar - Pokemon X - GameFAQs

評分 87% (71) · To get started on using the Poke Radar, walk around. You need to take at least 50 steps. NORMAL PURPOSES: Use either a Max Repel or a Super ...